2019 2nd ANNUAL
May 3 - 5, 2019
The second annual event brought together wine enthusiasts and the most exceptional Napa Valley wineries to advance research to end Alzheimer’s and dementia and enhance care for those living with the disease, and raised over $1.3 million to support the cause!
Highlights from the 2019 Walk Around Wine Tasting & Main Event:

Highlights from the 2019 VIP Oakville Neighborhood Block Party, the VIP Wine Seminar & Tasting, & the VIP Farewell Brunch:

* An asterisk indicates wineries who poured exclusively during our VIP Oakville Neighborhood Dinner & Block Party.
** Two asterisks indicates wineries who donated wine for an auction lot.
*** A triple asterisk indicates wineries who poured exclusively during our VIP Farewell Brunch.